print burger king printable coupons - Burger King Coupon Codes Thu, 28 Mar 2024 00:43:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Printable Burger and Fries Coupons Thu, 28 Mar 2024 00:43:59 +0000 Printable Burger and Fries Coupons Get the lates savings on burger king items in store. See Coupons Below. Welcome to Burger King Coupons This site was…

The post Printable Burger and Fries Coupons first appeared on Burger King Coupon Codes.

Printable Burger and Fries Coupons


Get the lates savings on burger king items in store. See Coupons Below. Welcome to Burger King Coupons

This site was created to help you find money-saving coupons and deals at one of the most well-known restaurant chains in the world. As many of you already know, Burger King is the second largest hamburger chain in the world with over 12,200 locations.

More than 11 million people per day enjoy their hamburgers, chicken tenders, french fries and other delicious food. If you happen to be one of the millions of people who love to go to Burger King, but want to save money, and even get the “freebies”, you have landed on the right website.

What Kind Of Offers Can I Learn About On Burger King Coupons?


The types of coupon offers you will learn about here are real and are guaranteed to save you money. We will discuss the coupons you are probably already aware of, such as the ones that come in your Sunday newspaper or the ones you pick up at the counter of many locations.

However, we’ll also bring you news and information on the ones that are not so obvious…you see, the folks at Burger King are known for throwing one heck of a “free coupon party” whenever they launch a new product.

For instance, last year in conjunction with the launch of their new chicken tenders-complete with a new shape and seasonings-they gave away more than 272 million chicken tender free coupons, via snail mail. Let’s do the math…the coupon was for a free 4 pieces chicken tenders–that’s over 1 billion Free chicken tenders!

In addition, at Burger King’s Facebook site, members were invited to pick 8 of their closest friends, dubbed “the tender 8,” and were given a free coupon upon completion. Those friends, in turn, were also offered Burger King coupons for choosing their own “tender 8″ group of friends and so on. This promotion was considered by many to be one of the biggest ones to date. We are not sure about the exact number, but we know it was “extra-large.”

Historical Burger King Coupons

We will also try to document past coupon offers–ones on the internet, also known as Printable Burger King Coupons, and all offline ones that we are aware of.

This is where you can help. If you, or anyone you know, have past coupons, please scan them and send them to us (or send us the links if online) at coupons at

The more we learn about the past–specifically where they came from–the more it will help us all discover more great coupons in the future.

Coupon Codes:


Happy Couponing!

The Burger King Coupon “King”

This website is not owned, operated, or otherwise affiliated with Burger King Corporation, any of its franchisees, or affiliates.

While we make every effort to provide accurate information about Burger King coupons and other money-saving offers. From time to time some of the offers may be inaccurate or not applicable due to franchise participation or non-participation in specific promotions.

The post Printable Burger and Fries Coupons first appeared on Burger King Coupon Codes.
